No spl step to bring back Salahuddin: Inu

UNB, Kushtia :
Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu on Friday said the government will not take any special step to bring back BNP joint secretary general Salahuddin Ahmed from India.
“There’re international laws and rules. The government will take measures in accordance with the legal provisions related to bringing back an accused who is subjected to trial. No additional measures will be taken in this regard,” he said.
The minister said this while talking to reporters at Kushtia Circuit House in the morning.
Inu also noted that BNP should not be allowed to be
in the democratic politics until it stops the killing of people in arson attacks.
Terming BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia the ‘chief architect’ of the politics of burning people, he said it is BNP which has to decide whether it will oust Khaleda or continue with the politics of burning people.