No room for criminals in AL says Nasir

Chattogram Bureau :
AJM Nasir Uddin, General Secretary of City Awami League, said that according to the announcement of the party president, there will be no place for criminals and immoral people in any level committee of the party.He said this at a meeting of the executive committee of three units of Jalalabad ward No. 2 in the city on Sunday.
Nasir said, “According to the clear declaration of the party president and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, there will be no place for criminals and immoral people at any level of the organization. Appropriate punishment will be ensured by identifying such persons who have already joined the party and bringing them under the law.
He also said that there was a central directive to organize the organization before the central conference.
Nasir said, “The term of Chattogram metropolis has also expired. Conferences of committees at the thana, ward and unit levels have been in place for more than a decade. Therefore, the conventions that have not been held so far as per the central directives have to be done in any way.