No retreat from city polls: Moudud

UNB, Dhaka :
Stating that the city election an acid test both for the government and the Election Commission, BNP senior leader Moudud Ahmed on Friday said BNP will not stay away from the polls under any adverse situation.
“We’ve joined the city corporation polls as part of our movement. We’re in the election race under a very difficult situation, and we’ll be there in the field till the elections are over, no matter how much obstacles they (govt) create,” he said. Moudud, a BNP standing committee member made the remarks at BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office at the beginning of a meeting of BNP’s coordination committee formed for overseeing the electioneering of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) elections.
The meeting discussed the strategies for carrying out the electioneering for the party-supported mayoral candidate Tabith Awal and other councillor candidates. Moudud is the convener of the committee.
He alleged that the Election Commission (EC) is not creating a level-playing field for all the candidates. “They’re showing a discriminatory attitude towards us.”
Referring to media reports that cases of Awami League-backed 16 candidates were withdrawn following polls, Moudud said while BNP-backed contestants are arrested and harassed, the ruling party candidates are being let off the hook. “It’s discrepancy, but there’s no level-playing field.”
He hoped that the opposition-supported candidates will win the polls with a big margin as people will vent their pent-up anger on April 28 through the ballot.
Moudud said, they observed that at some wards more than one candidate of BNP and its alliance is contesting the polls. He urged the 20-party men to work for the candidates who get formal support from the alliance and their parties.