No relief activities for ‘Mora’-hit people: Khaleda

UNB, Dhaka :
Accusing the government of having failed to carry out notable relief efforts in the cyclone-hit areas, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Wednesday demanded prompt steps to ensure adequate food and assistance for the Mora victims.
In a statement, she said, “I’m deeply shocked over the news that six people died and lakhs of people became homeless as the Cyclone Mora hit the country’s costal areas.”
She said thousands of houses were damaged while road networks and power connection in many areas have got snapped. “Under the circumstances, the cyclone victims are passing through inhuman life for want of food, safe drinking water, medicine and shelter.”
The BNP chief said it is now very crucial to take necessary steps to stand by the cyclone-affected people and ease their sufferings with necessary assistance. “But, it’s very regrettable that the government has so far failed to conduct any significant relief activities.”
She urged the government to take quick steps to reach pure water, medicines and relief materials for the people badly affected by the storm.
Khaleda also demanded the government immediately take steps for rehabilitation of those became helpless by losing their homes by the storm.
Claiming that relief activities have already started in the affected areas on behalf of her party, the BNP chairperson asked the leaders and activists of her party and its associate bodies to stand by the cyclone victims with further zeal and efforts.
She also called upon the well-off section of society to come forward in aid of the disaster-hit people.