No practical action in implementing Road Transport Act

PUBLIC transport owners and drivers do not bother about the mandatory public service vehicle permission for running buses and minibuses and also the authorities go laxly in implementing it. Lack of monitoring and enforcement on the violation of this permission increases the risks of fatal accidents and creates a culture of impunity. Public service vehicle permission is given to the drivers of buses and minibuses for carrying passengers commercially after checking their experience, competency and behaviour.
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) said that they monitored the documents of public transport drivers through mobile courts and highway police. Till last week, the transport authority issued 10,603 public service vehicle permits in this year. The number of permits was 10,154 till December 2017 indicating that only 449 permissions were granted in the past two years. On the contrary, transport leader said that around 88,000 buses and minibuses were running on long and short routes across the country. We see public transport drivers put the lives of passengers at risk always, but the system of giving permits is absent in practice. Experts said that commercial mass transit authority and implementation of related systems are necessary to appoint skilled drivers on public transports. The gap between the numbers of drivers of public transports and public service vehicle permission should be reduced.
The Road Transport Act 2018 says that no person can drive public transport or can give permission to drive public transport without approval paper from the authorities. To compliance the provision, the government has no practical action and arrangement. The government should issue license for plying mass transport and bring the drivers under proper system, training, reward and punishment. Public and private driving training center should be opened and the transport owners should inform the passengers about the driver quality, certificates and track record while the passenger should check before planning for long journey. Besides, the social recognition of drivers and transport workers should be improved.