No obstacle can resist Khaleda, says Moudud

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Moudud Ahmed on Saturday said no obstacle can resist their Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s move to ‘restore’ democracy and people’s ‘voting rights’.
“There’ll be no use of creating barriers to Khaleda Zia’s journey. No obstacle can stop us.
Our journey for restoring democracy will continue overcoming all types of obstacles. We’ll continue our efforts, not for going to power, but for restoring democracy and people’s voting rights,” he said.
Speaking at a discussion, the BNP leader further said, “We’ll always be there with her (Khaleda’s) to make her drive a success. We’ll go wherever we wish to go and reach out to people to mobilise public support braving all the barriers.”
Jatiyatabadi Ganatantrik Andolan arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club, marking its fourth founding anniversary. Moudud, a BNP standing committee member, said the country’s people want to see a change in the government. “We would like to urge the government to hold fair polls as per people’s will. You’ll realise how you lost your popularity if a credible election is held. How long will you run the country by force depending on police and Rab? He warned that when a mass wave will be created for a change in the government, all, including those in administration and police, will join hands with people. “No one will remain with you (govt).
The BNP leader said the government is making a mistake if it thinks to hold the next polls without installing the election-time supportive government.