No NGO school in Rohingya camps without permission

Staff Reporter :
Primary and Mass Education Minister Md Zakir Hossain on Thursday at a programme on the education of Rohingya and host community children in Cox’s Bazar asked the NGOs to take permission before operating education centres in the Rohingya camps.
‘They must take permission from the responsible government agencies to start education centres in the camps as we need to know what they are teaching or doing there,’ the Minister said.
The government has decided to impart only non-formal education to the Rohingya children, equivalent to grade three, under which they would be taught basic mathematics, English and the Burmese language, he said.
‘There is no permission to teach anything else in the camps,’ he said. The state minister said that the government was installing up new learning centres to impart education to the Rohingya children and adolescents of the host communities in Cox’s Bazar.
The learning centres would be established at a cost of a $25 million World Bank grant under the government’s Reaching Out-of-School Children project
‘UNICEF would develop and monitor the centres that would impart basic education to as many as 1.50 lakh Rohingya children at the two mega camps in Ukhiya and Teknaf,’ the State Minister said.
As part of the project, 500 new centres will be set up at the camps, which will be run simultaneously with the existing 1,000 UNICEF-operated learning centres.
‘Learning materials would also be supplied to the children free of cost,’ he said, adding that the training of the 1,500 selected teachers from both local and Rohingya communities had already begun under the supervision of UNICEF.
Zakir also said that the government was concerned with the future of the host-community people as they were seriously affected by the Rohingya influx in 2017.
As part of the World Bank project, he said, pre-vocational training would be imparted to 8,500 local adolescents in the eight upazilas of Cox’s Bazar, who quit studies after completing primary education.
‘Dropped out persons aged 15-23 years will get training in 22 categories-driving, housekeeping, sewing and others-for three months under the supervision of Save the Children.
The World Bank signed the $25 million grant agreement with the Economic Relations Division in November 2018.