No movement if dialogue becomes successful: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Sunday said it will not go for movement if the current political crisis is resolved through Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s talks with Oikyafront based on its seven-point demand.
“The Prime Minister yesterday (Saturday) said it is not understandable to her as the discussion is going on one hand and movement on the other. The opposition parties will not choose the path of movement if you can overcome the crisis through dialogue,” said BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
Speaking at a press conference at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he said Oikyafront has continued its call for discussion and the ‘key’ to resolve the crisis is in the Prime Minister’s hands. The BNP leader said the crisis will be over if the Prime Minister takes steps in light of the seven-point demand the Oikyafront placed before her. “Make the talks fruitful, then the opposition parties will not walk towards the movement.”
Meanwhile, Jatiya Oikyafront chief Dr Kamal Hossain sent another letter to Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina seeking the second phase of small-group talks with her over the next general election. On November 1,
a 23-member delegation of 14-party, led by Sheikh Hasina, sat in talks at Ganobhaban with Dr Kamal Hossain-led 20-member Oikyafront team, but the opposition alliance was not happy with its outcome. On October 13, BNP together with Dr Kama Hossain-led Jatiya Oikya Prokriya, JSD and Nagorik Oikya launched the Jatiy Oikyafront to press for their seven-point demand.
The Oikyafront’s seven-point charter of demands include installation of a neutral interim government, dissolution of parliament, reconstitution the Election Commission, release of all the political prisoners, deployment of army and cancellation of the move to use Electronic Voting Machines (EVMS) for holding the next polls in fair and acceptable manner.