No mid-term, we want fresh polls: Fakhrul

Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said on Saturday they want fresh national polls, not mid-term election.
 “We have never asked for a mid-term election. We never accepted the result of 10th Parliament election. We want fresh national polls within a short time to form a people’s government,” the BNP leader said in a discussion meeting at the Dhaka Reporters Unity in the city.
JAGPA, an ally of BNP-led 20 party alliance organised the meeting.
Mirza Fakhrul said it in view of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s speech delivered in New York of the United States in which the Prime Minister dismissed any possibility of mid-term election.
Mirza Fakhrul said, the new Parliament election must be held under a neutral government and a neutral election commission.
The BNP leader said also about the probable search committee to form the next EC. It must be forged through discussions. “If the government forms any search committee unilaterally, the people will not accept that.”
Mirza Fakhrul said that the government pushed them in a dark tunnel. “We shall search for light in the end of the tunnel,” he said.
He accused the government of snatching the rights of the people. They (the govt) are trying to eliminate the BNP from the country.
“The Awami League is not running the country now. We do not know who are now running the country,” he said.
He blamed the Awami League of using militancy issues in their own interests.
JAGPA President Shafiul Alam Pradhan presided over the programme. The party’s General Secretary Khandaker Lutfar Rahman and Vice-President Mohiuddin Ahmed, among others, also gave speech.