DNCC shows zero tolerance: No Kutubbagh Darbar Urs in city

Md Joynal Abedin Khan :
The Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) authorities have showed zero tolerance in giving permission to hold the three-day consecutive annual Urs mahfil of Kutubbagh Darbar Sharif in city’s Farmgate
In a bid to halt the preparation of the 25th Urs Mahfil, the DNCC has demolished the temporary arcades built at Shaheed Anwara Park at Farmgate and its adjacent areas.
The three-day annual Urs programme was scheduled to start at the park on January 3 next year, said sources at Kutubbagh Darbar Sharif.
This is the first tough action against the organizers of a Darbar Urs mahfil in the city that astonished and confused the followers of the so called saint, they said.
The DNCC is also likely to be issued an embargo soon for holding any Urs mahfil in any open place in the city to avert public sufferings, DNCC official sources said.
In the latest, a team of the DNCC led by its region-5 official Aziur Rahman conducted a drive on the spot and seized the bamboo and other equipment kept in the park for the arcades and other purpose of the Urs.
Earlier, the DNCC asked the authorities of the Kutubbagh Darbar Sharif to stop the activities of arranging Urs in the place. But they did not stop the preparation till morning.
The Urs of Kutubbagh Darbar Sharif was held on January 25 and 26 last year at the park. The DNCC asked them to arrange the yearly function outside the city.
But they did not follow the directive of the DNCC. They started the activities of Urs more than one month of its scheduled time.
It was alleged that the city dwellers face widespread sufferings every year due to the arrangement of the function at the Indira Road in the city.
The Kutubbagh Darbar Sharif authorities every year took over the field for almost two months only for holding three days’ mahfil. When the mahfil is over, they do not even clear it. The park is getting dirty day after day.
In this backdrop, the DNCC last year asked them to organize the Urs outside the city. In that time, they promised that they would arrange the function outside the city from this year. But they did not follow their promise.
Aziur Rahman said that they also gave us the commitment last year. “We wouldn’t allow them this year. We have copies of that commitment,” he said.