No JSC, JDC exams this year


Sfaff Reporter :
The government has decided not to hold this year’s Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations due to coronavirus pandemic.
“There’ll be no JSC and JDC examination this year,” said Mohammad Abul Khayer, information and public relations officer of the Education Ministry.
The ministry also announced earlier that all the educational institutions of the country will remain closed until October 3 as there has been no marked improvement in the coronavirus situation. However, the academic activities in all the Qawami madrassas across the country will remain out of the purview of the fresh order of closure.
There will be no Primary Education Completion (PEC) and its equivalent Ebtedayee examination for 2020 and the students will be promoted to the next class through class assessment instead.
“We don’t want to put students at risk… a summary [report] of the current situation has been sent to the Prime Minister to cancel those (PEC-Ebtedayee exams) this year,” State Minister for Primary and Mass Education Md Zakir Hossain told UNB on Tuesday.
The PEC and Ebtedayee examinations were scheduled to begin on November 17 with around 30 lakh students preparing to appear in the exams.
On March 16, the government closed all the educational institutions of the country to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Later, on July 29, the government extended the closure until August 31.
On Thursday, Bangladesh reported the deaths of 45 more COVID-19 patients in the last 24 hours, raising the tally to 4,127. During the period, health authorities detected 2,436 new cases across the country increasing the total number of Covid-19 patients in the country to 3,04,583.
