No ICU beds vacant at five city hospitals


Staff Reporter :
There are no beds found empty in the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) for coronavirus patients in five of the ten key public hospitals in the capital.
The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) came up with the information in a press release on Friday.
It said, five of the 10 government hospitals in the capital Dhaka have no
empty ICU bed for corona patients.
The ICU unit of the Kuwait-Bangladesh Friendship Government Hospital has 26 beds, Kurmitola General Hospital 10 beds, Dhaka Medical College Hospital 20 beds, Mugda Medical College Hospital 20 beds and Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital 10.
“All the ICU beds of these hospitals are now occupied with admitted patients,” according to the release.
Besides, Sheikh Russell Gastroliver Hospital, Government Employees Hospital, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical College Hospital, Rajarbagh Police Central Hospital, National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) and DNCC’s dedicated Covid-19 hospitals have started bearing the renewed load of Covid-19 patients in their ICUs amid worsening pandemic situation in the country.
Of the government enlisted hospitals, eight out of 16 ICU beds at Sheikh Russell Gastroliver Hospital are vacant, one out of 6 beds at Government Employees Hospital, two out of 15 Rajarbagh Police Hospital, four out of 10 at NICVD, three out of 20 at BSMMU, 102 out of 112 ICU beds at DNCC’s dedicated Covid-19 hospitals are vacant.
Currently, 18 government and autonomous hospitals in the capital are treating corona patients. They have a total of 384 ICU beds. Of the beds, 127 are vacant at this moment.
On the other hand, there are 441 ICU beds in 28 private hospitals in the capital. At present, a total of 255 ICU beds are lying vacant at the hospitals.
