No exam for grade I, II, III from 2021 65,593 govt pry schools admission without test


Staff Reporter :
State Minister for Primary and Mass Education M Zakir Hossain on Thursday said that the Education Ministry had taken a decision to scrap examinations up to Class III and it will be implemented from 2021.
The primary school students up to the third grade will be evaluated as per their class performance,
He said this while talking to reporters in a press briefing arranged in the Ministry on the occasion of organising

International Literacy Day to be held on September 8.
The government will enforce the Prime Minister’s directive to scrap all examinations up to Grade III at primary schools from 2021, he said.
“We won’t hold summative exams up to Grade III. Students will instead undertake formative exams. Therefore, they will sit for exams all year round, according to him.
Secretary of the Primary and Mass Education Akram-Al-Hossain said, “The process of scrapping examinations will be experimented in 100 schools in 2020 and the decision will come into effect throughout the country from 2021.”
The new cirriculum will be implemented in 2021, said Akram, adding, “There won’t be any first and second term or yearly exams up to Grade III. Students will be assessed in Class throughout the year. Aside from their studies, students behaviour and other areas will also be marked.”
Besides, no admission test was held in 65,593 government primary schools and students get admitted in the pre-primary classes.
The pre-primary classes were introduced in the government primary schools in 2014. Students who got admitted in the first batch of pre-primary sat for the PEC examinations in 2018.
But, the government has long been ignoring the academicians who suggested it to scrap 5th Grade Primary Education Completion or PEC examination.
