Rosatom project head says: No disagreement over design of Rooppur Plant


UNB, Dhaka :Implementation of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant project is likely to get delayed by a year, according to Maksim V Elchishchev, who has been appointed to head the project for Russian state nuclear agency Rosatom.He has also quashed speculation that there are some disagreements between the Bangladeshi and Russian sides over the updated design proposed for what will now be a 2400 MW plant.Elchishchev is now visiting Bangladesh to supervise preparations ahead of the implementation of the project.”We hope the commercial operation of the project would commence in 2022. But this depends on the signing of the general contract of the project,” he said during a press briefing on the latest developments related to the country’s first nuclear power project at Dhaka’s plush Hotel Sonargaon.He said, Rosatom has offered VVER 1200 reactor for Rooppur NPP, the latest generation of the VVER 1000, which was the first choice for the Bangladesh project when the agreement was signed in 2010 between Bangladesh and Russia during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Moscow visit to set up a 2000 MW nuclear power plant in Rooppur by 2021.”The VVER 1200 will be a new generation reactor with more safety and security features, as it will give 72 hours for auto shutdown in case of any accident,” Maksim said.He informed that a nuclear power plant is now being constructed in Russia (in Leningrad) on the basis of the VVER 1200’s design.Clearing the misconception over whether Bangladeshis prefer the VVER 1000 reactor for Rooppur as it has a proven track record while VVER 1200 is a “new one” having no track record, he said: “There is no debate between the two sides on the issue.”Following the agreement, a series of contracts were signed in phases between Rosatom and the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) to implement the project.Elchishchev, who is also Vice President of the NIAEP, the foreign project implementation wing of Rosatom, said the feasibility study of the Rooppur NPP had been completed and submitted to the government for the next course of action.On the basis of the feasibility study, the design of the project is being prepared by Russian experts, he added. He also informed that negotiations are still going on between the two sides to sign the general contract. Once the general contract is signed, the work will be carried out in phases.The Rosatom official said some documents are also being prepared by both sides to proceed towards the signing of the general contract, which will be the final deal between the two countries. Both sides are hopeful of signing the final deal within the current year.”But so far, the other works of the project are running on schedule,” he claimed.The project head said no negative aspects were found in the feasibility study and the Russian experts conducted the study keeping in mind the lifetime of the project.”We have taken into consideration the water flow of the rivers in dry season as well as flood season and also the concerns regarding earthquake while conducting feasibility study,” he said, responding to a question on water supply to the project.Elchishchev said the Rooppur project’s construction cost is yet to be determined. “This will be fixed through negotiation.”
