No dialogue with BNP, reiterates PM


UNB, Dhaka :Calling it a torture to mount pressure on her to go for talks with BNP, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday ruled out the possibility of holding any dialogue with Khaleda Zia’s party over holding a fresh election saying they have already missed the train.”They (BNP) have missed the train, so they’ll have to wait for the next one (train),” she said.The Prime Minister came up with the remark responding to a question at a press conference, organised at her official residence Ganobhaban to brief the media about the outcome of her recent UK tour.Hasina said, there has been an election and the people of the country have accepted it, as more than 40 percent voters exercised their franchise. “Then why are you talking about dialogue repeatedly?” she questioned.The Prime Minister said if BNP had the power to oust the government though a movement it would have joined the January-5 election. “Had they (BNP) had that much power they would have participated in the January 5 election.”Recalling her initiative to hold dialogue with BNP and her phone call to BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia, Hasina said she does not want to be humiliated again.Hasina also said if there is another round of election the BNP-Jamaat nexus would again unleash killing and destruction in the country.She said, boycotting the election was BNP’s wrong political decision. “Taking the right decision at the right time should be the nature of a political party,” the Prime Minister told journalists.Hasina questioned why should the people of the country pay for BNP’s wrong decision. “People are now in peace, they’re doing their jobs, businesses and other daily activities peacefully. Why will they pay for BNP’s wrong decision?” About the pressure on her from some quarters to hold dialogue with BNP, she said she cannot sit for a dialogue or a compromise with the people who were involved in killing her father, mother, brothers and other relatives, and party workers. “If I tell you to hold a dialogue or go for a compromise with people who killed your father, mother and relatives, can you sit for that. I know you can’t.”She questioned if anyone cannot do that why pressure is being mounted on her repeatedly for doing so. “Why you’re torturing me to sit for dialogue,” she asked.The Prime Minister also said she has already taken her steps for holding dialogue. “I’ve done that, it was enough. I did that for the sake of the country and its people,” she said.Hasina warned about the dire consequences if BNP goes for any kind of destructive activities in the name of movement. “If they try to harm people in any away, we’ll take dire actions,” she said.The Prime Minister also said it was her sacred duty as the head of the government to protect the lives and property of people. “Of course it’s my duty to uphold the law and order… Of course, it’s my duty to save people.”Replying to another question over the recent remarks of some BNP leaders that there could be another August 15-like incident, Hasina said this just a threat of killing. “With this statement they’ve proved that Zia and his family members were involved in August 15 and August 21 killings.”She also mentioned that with such statements BNP have proved that it was born through killing and coup.Hasina requested people to judge this threat. “I put the responsibility of such threat on the shoulder of the people of this country to judge,” she added.
