No development yet in city’s road traffic management


THE directives to ensure discipline in traffic system issued by higher authorities have failed to bring any result. The traffic rule violation is still rampant. Almost all directives addressing owners and workers of city service buses and human haulers, pedestrians and drivers went unheeded. If the traffic management system returns to the old disarraying situation, we do not see any output of the youth jolt where school students had shown how to manage traffic system.
The DMP on August 5 began a 10-day traffic week and a traffic month in September to bring order in city’s disorderly traffic system. The chaotic city traffic situation, however, remains as it was.
The city buses are stopping wherever they want, bus staffs are doing jobs without appointments on salary basis, unfit vehicles are on roads, human haulers are running on main roads by under-aged drivers, motorcyclists and their companions are without helmets and vehicles sometimes ply on wrong sides.
In September, DMP fixed 121 designated stoppages for city buses; asked them to run by closing the doors, display bus staff’s photo, mobile number in buses, keep updated documents and owners to appoint drivers and assistants on salary basis. But city buses and minibuses seem to have been exempted from all traffic rules and warnings as they still continue to violating rules, dropping and picking passengers wherever they want with a mindless competition on roads. These vehicles, except for some spots, keep their doors open. Many unfit buses are still on the road with damaged bodies and broken glasses.
Without awareness among the citizens and transport operators, the chaotic situation would not be changed. The law enforcers should have to impose laws without any hesitation.
