No development sustainable keeping thousands of youth unemployed

A BANGLADESHI, among seven people, died after a boat carrying migrants capsized in Turkey’s Lake Van on Thursday. The boat carrying migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan sank as it approached Adilcevaz district in Bitlis, which is on the northern shores of Lake Van, near the border with Iran, International Media reported. It is not the first incident where a Bangladeshi national died in boat capsize. A large number of Bangladeshi youths tend to be desperate about going abroad to make a fortune due to lack of employment here. But their dreams of earning huge amount of money mostly remain unfulfilled, and many of them face tragic end of their lives in the perilous sea journey on the way to Europe.
Wage earners’ remittance is the second top sector of Bangladesh’s foreign exchange. More than 10 million expatriates have been sending remittance home on a regular basis. Last year, they sent a total of $15.54 billion. However, the routes to travel abroad are not that smooth. Some routes are very dangerous. On last May, around 60 Bangladeshi people on the way to Italy died when their boat capsized in the Mediterranean. Many died while crossing the Sahara desert. The luckiest ones who survived boat capsize and reached Europe are now illegal in those countries. More than 100,000 Bangladeshis have been living in several European countries without legal documents. Their life is not pleasant there and they cannot earn enough as expected. Those who recruit these illegal migrants give them fewer wages. The illegal migrants fear police harassment and many are serving jail terms. According to the UNHCR, the journey across the Mediterranean is becoming increasingly fatal for those who unnecessarily take risk to journey by boats.
Until enough jobs are generated for the unemployed in the country, the risky migration would not be stopped. Keeping thousands of youth out of employment chain, it is very funny to claim success of economic development.