No broadband facility in CoU


Abdullah-Al-Musayeb, CoU :
Comilla University (CoU) has no broadband internet connection, though it has passed almost 8 years since the inception. Not only the students are lagging behind in technologies but the teachers are also facing troubles to teach the students due to lack of available internet facilities.
17 departments of CoU are functioning their important works through Internet modem. Even the students of CSE and ICT department work by the same medium and can not practice their lab or programing works properly. They are to do the important works by theit own costs though many of them can not afford this costs because they are from middle class families. To keep pace with the modern world, WiFi is inevitable for the standard as well as the competitive education”, they opined.
For this reason, wireless internet connection WiFi is a crying demand of all the students. Most of the public universities of Bangladesh are enjoying the WiFi facilities whereas CoU remains without internet. The auhtority promised to provide Wifi facilities about three years before when the university’s telephone line was connected with the optical fibre. Whenever the students strike for fulfilling their demands, the university administration assured to meet. Students threatened to strike again for WiFi.
