No alternative to movement: Khaleda


UNB, Dhaka :BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday said her party will have no option but to wage a movement if the government does not immediately sit in talks for holding a fresh election.”We still want to resolve the crisis and restore peace through talks, but the government is not sincere about it. We want to unequivocally say that if the government doesn’t take steps for a fresh election through talks, we’ll have no option but to settle it through a movement,” she said.The former Prime Minister issued the warning to the government while delivering a brief speech at an Ifter party arranged by Kazi Zafar Ahmed-led Jatiya Party, a partner of BNP-led 20-party alliance, at a city hotel.She said, “There’s no public representative government in the country at present. The illegal government is least bothered about public sufferings, unemployment and unbridled price hike of daily essentials. Thus the country can’t run.”Mentioning that democracy is now in exile in the country, the BNP chief said people’s basic rights are being snatched and the human rights are being violated at every step. She said there is no security of the country’s people as killings and enforced dispenses are taking place regularly. “The government is busy looting public money instead of taking steps to resolve the country’s problems. “Khaleda was critical of the current parliament saying it is not the parliament of  people’s elected representatives. “No issue relating to public interest is discussed in it. Songs are performed and poems are recited in the current House. In fact it has become a club of clowns.”Khaleda urged people to get united and save the country from the grasp of Awami League through a strong movement.”We’re an 18-party platform. Now it’s become a 20-party alliance. Some other parties are also in touch with us. We must now get united in the interest of the country and its people. We’ll have to take to the streets to force this regime to hold an inclusive election.Senior leaders of BNP and 20-party alliance, civil society members and a few diplomats joined the Iftar.
