Nizami trial ends, verdict any day


UNB, Dhaka :On the closing day of the rehearing on summing-up arguments, both the prosecution and the defence lawyers made contradictory claims over the fate of war crimes accused, the 1971 villainous Al Badr supremo Motiur Rahman Nizami,and now Jamaat-e-Islami ameer.The prosecution lawyers demanded capital punishment to Nizami before the International Crimes Tribunal-1 for committing crimes against humanity, including genocide, during the Liberation war, as it has proved 15 out of 16 charges ‘beyond any shadow of doubt’, while the defence lawyers prayed for his acquittal from the charges as the evidence of the prosecution witnesses appears ‘tutored’ for which there is no scope of awarding any sentence sans letting him off.After hearing both the sides, the tribunal kept pending its judgment to be delivered any day.
