Nipun wants to curb distinctions among actors


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
National Film Award winning actress Nipun is contesting for the post of General Secretary in the elections of Film Actors’ Association, which is scheduled to be held on January 28. When the time comes nearer to the elections candidates are becoming hopeful about their wins. Nipun is the only female candidate in this election for the post of General Secretary. So, everybody’s attention is towards her now. In the meantime, many members are hopeful about her win in the election. In fact, Nipun’s strong commitments to stand behind the actors, to work for their developments with dedication and to bring Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inside the FDC. For this reasons, her winning possibility has been increased. Right now Nipun is trying to give more time in FDC. She is exchanging greetings among the voters. In the meantime, she is giving commitment to stand behind the voters. While talking about her election for the post of General Secretary, Nipun said, “I want to curb existing all distinctions and discriminations among the actors. I promise to maintain all types of friendly relationship with my colleagues if I could not win in the election. I will keep my promise Inshallah. In fact, we are part of the family of movies. We want to remain in this family and also want to keep this environment always. Actors’ Association will become a place of confidence and love for the artistes. We will create a place for sharing happy and sorrow, and for creative thinking for the members. To keep love and respect for the voters, please stay with our panel. Overall, we will stand behind all, Inshallah.”
Nipun informed that Actors’ Association is planning to make movie. Meanwhile, few days ago, Nipun completed shooting of Shahid Raihan directed psychological movie, Monoloke. Therefore, Nipun acted and Shahidul Islam Rana directed movie Birottwo is waiting to get release date now. Dhushor Kuasha, directed by Uttam Akash, was Nipun acted last released movie. She got the National Film Awards for two times for Shajghor (2008) and Chander Moto Bou (2009).
