Nine cricketers to take part in individual training from today


Sports Reporter :
A number of nine interested cricketers of Bangladesh National Cricket team, who submitted their names to the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB), will take part in their individual training at the different venues across the country which are supervised by BCB. The training will start today (Sunday).
The cricketers, who have submitted their names to BCB, are: Mushfiqur Rahim, Imrul Kayes, Mohammad Mithun, Shafiul Islam, Nasum Ahmed, Khaled Ahmed, Nurul Hasan, Nayeem Hasan and Mehedi Hasan.
Mushfiqur Rahim, Imrul Kayes, Mohammad Mithun and Shafiul Islam will participate in the individual training at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Mirpur while Khaled Ahmed and Nasum Ahmed will participate in the coaching in Sylhet. Mehedi Hasan and Nurul Hasan will take part in the coaching in Khulna while Nayeem Hasan will participate in the training in Chattogram.
It may be mentioned that the medical department of Bangladesh Cricket Board last week had asked for a list of players who are interested to take part in the practice after maintaining the social distance with their own initiatives. BCB had decided to allow interested cricketers to avail BCB’s training facilities across the country for individual practice.
These players will be continuing their training till July 26 with the BCB’s dedicated Covid-19 management team keeping track and observing players’ safety issues throughout this period. The training period may be extended after Eid-ul-Azha.
The BCB is considering this training period as a test case as they plan to resume training on a large scale if these nine cricketers can successfully complete the seven-day programme without any mishaps.
The BCB, who discouraged the return of players to the field despite allowing interested cricketers to resume, has however set some rules for the training. Only players practicing in Mirpur will be allowed to do batting in the nets alongside fitness training while players outside Dhaka will only work on their fitness. None of the aforementioned players will be allowed to practice or avail the training facilities at the same time.
