Nilmaniganj post office runs without master, postman


Chudanga Correspondent :
Nilmaniganj Branch post office in sadar Upazaila has been running without postman and the post master
Bazlur Rahman, Headmaster of Nilmaniganj Registered Primary school is working as post- master in addition to his job.
The postman has gone on LPR since last June and since then no postman has been posted there in the vacant post causing deadlock in day to day office works .
The delivery of posted letters, money-orders telephone bills could not be done for want of a post-man hampering public service.
Local people alleged that they are not getting their telephone bill in time through this post office for want of a bid-peons
The educated youths and job -seekers do not get their interview cards to appear at the examinations and the relatives do not get letters from expatriates due to timely postal service .
The branch post office renders service to twelve village under Mominpur Union of Sadar Upazila since british regime .
Nilmaniganj is a growing business center connected by a rail-station and road-link from Chuadanga, Alamdanga and Kushtia .
There is a Rupali Bank , two high schools , a primary Training Institute (PTI), sugarcane purchasing center of carew and co and NGO offices.
The PTI trainees have been suffering badly for want of regular postal service, it is alleged.
