Night-long Bangla Khayal Utsab Jan 31

Ustad Yasin Khan to get Lifetime Achievement Award

Noted Khayal singer Ustad Yasin Khan, noted musician Azad Rahman, Director and Head of News of Channel i Shykh Seraj, among other Khayal singers, at a photo session after announcement of Bangla Khayal Utsab at Channel i office on Tuesday.
Noted Khayal singer Ustad Yasin Khan, noted musician Azad Rahman, Director and Head of News of Channel i Shykh Seraj, among other Khayal singers, at a photo session after announcement of Bangla Khayal Utsab at Channel i office on Tuesday.

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Khayal is the modern genre of classical singing in North India. Its name comes from an Arabic word meaning ‘imagination.’ It is thought to have developed out of the Qawali singing style.
It appeared more recently than Dhrupad and it provides greater scope for improvisation. Like all Indian classical music, Khayal is modal, with a single melodic line and no harmonic parts.
The modes are called raga, and each raga is a complicated framework of melodic rules.
To promote Bangla Khayal, Channel i is going to arrange a night-long Bangla Khayal Utsab on January 31 at Channel i Bhaban in the city’s Tejgaon area. The programme will begin at 6:30pm on January 31 and it will continue till 9:00am on February 1. Noted Khayal singer Ustad Yasin Khan will get the lifetime achievement award for his contribution in the filed of Khayal in the country.
Hundred Khayal singers will perform in the 14-hour long programme. Lead by Azad Rahman Ferdous Ara, Leo Je Baroi, Ustad Yasin Khan, Karim Shahabuddin, Dr Nashid Kamal, Dr Lina Taposhi Khan, Bijon Chandra Mistri, Dr Harunur Rashid, Priyanka Gope, Alif Alauddin, Gazi Abdul Hakim, Firoz Khan, among others, will perform in the Khayal soiree. This was announced at a press conference held at Channel i office yesterday where Director and Head of News of Channel i Shykh Seraj, noted musician Azad Rahman and Ustad Yasin Khan, among others, were present on the occasion.
