Nigeria gets $5.51b from development partners


Xinhua, Abuja :
Nigeria’s National Planning Commission yesterday said development partners contributed 5.51 billion U.S. dollars to support the West African country’s development efforts in 2011.
This is contained in the 2012 Performance Report on the Nigerian Economy, issued by the commission in the capital Abuja.
The report revealed that there are currently 18 major development partners supporting Nigeria’s development effort. Out of the figure, seven are from the UN system, said the report.
It said a commitment of 5.51 billion dollars was made during the review period.
“On the basis of the mid-term assessment of the first National Implementation Plan (1st NIP) of the Nigeria’s vision 2020, the aggregate disbursement of development assistance to Nigeria stood at 2.76 billion dollars,” it said.
This represents a disbursement of rate of 50.09 percent or 0. 004 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), the report said.
It also said that the human capital development sector accounted for 82.02 percent while governance sector recorded 8.84 percent during the period.
The donors’ intervention in the real/productive sector accounted for 4.57 percent while physical infrastructure sector recorded 1.43 percent, said the report.
It said 22 sectors benefited from the donors’ support between 2010 and 2011, adding that there was a significant increase in 11 sectors as recorded in the 1st NIP of the vision 2020.
The report noted that most development partners contributed significantly to agriculture, health and governance.
However, overall assessment of disbursements, indicated that Nigeria is not an aid dependent economy, given that the aid to the GDP ratio was 0.004 percent per annum during the review period, the report said.
