NGO Fundraising Workshop held in city

UNB, Dhaka :
A fundraising workshop in Dhaka has emphasized board members’ active role and staff members’ enhanced professional skills to develop and launch sustainable fundraising programs for NGOs in Bangladesh.
The participants of the workshop held on Wednesday agreed on the need of structured and systemic process including concrete steps to build NGO capacities in fundraising. Participants emphasised on enhanced donor base with loyal donors to fulfill organizations’ vision. The workshop discussed fundraising best practices in
Bangladesh and basic fundraising concepts and plans, including best practices of developed countries and northern NGOs. Over 35 NGO professionals participated in the workshop. Resource persons from corporations and non-profit sector from Canada, Australia and Bangladesh offered sessions in the workshop.
Progressive Action for Community Empowerment (PACE), Toronto based non-profit organization, in partnership with Manusher Jonno Foundation, PSTC and EcoFab, organized a day-long workshop on fundraising for NGOs in Dhaka on Wednesday. Chaired by Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) Executive Director Dr. Noor Mohammad, the inaugural session was also addressed by Program advisor of PACE, Barrister Nusrat Jahan and Country Director of Food for the Hungry, Kajal Sengupta.