Next polls to be inclusive: CEC

UNB, Rajshahi :
Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda on Friday expressed the hope that the next general election will be held with the participation of all political parties, saying they were working to this end.
“As no party has yet declined to take part in the election, I hope all the parties will join the polls,” he said while addressing a views-exchange meeting arranged by Durgapur upazila administration at the upazila parishad auditorium. The CEC said the Election Commission is taking preparations to hold the
election in a free, fair and credible manner. In reply to a query from reporters, he said country’s every citizen will get smart card in phases.
Superintendent of Police of the district Md Shahidullah, Durgapur upazila parishad Chairman Nazrul Islam, municipality Mayor Tofazzal Hossain and district Election Officer Atiar Rahman also attended the meeting.