Next BDF meeting on Jan 29

BSS, Dhaka :
The next meeting of the Bangladesh Development Forum (BDF) will be held on January 29 in a bid to enhance cooperation between the government with the development partners to materialize various development goals and plans.
The Economic Relations Division (ERD) under the Ministry of Finance will hold the daylong meeting to be held at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC) in the city’s Sher-e-Bangla Nagar area. “Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the meet,” said ERD Secretary Monowar Ahmed.
Talking to BSS, he said government officials, representatives from the development partners and international agencies and experts would remain present during the various sessions of the meeting. “This time we’ll highlight the development operations of Bangladesh before the development partners as well as the progress towards implementing the seventh Five Year Plan (7FYP). Besides, emphasis will be given on how to increase partnership with the development partners towards implementing the eighth Five-Year Plan (8FYP) keeping ahead the SDGs.” He said. The ERD Secretary said they have already invited the officials and representatives from various international agencies at the next meeting where the achievements of Bangladesh in various sectors would be highlighted as well as to discuss on how to address the future challenges. He informed that the participants in the meeting are expected to place various issues like various challenges towards implementing the development projects and on how to address the resource gap. Monowar said the BDF 2020 will be an occasion to recount the achievements and lessons learned during the 7FYP. “Critically BDF 2020 will shed light on Bangladesh’s strategic choices to reach three milestones, smooth and sustainable LDC graduation by 2024, SDGs by 2030 and become a developed country by 2041.”
He went on saying, “Hence, with due considerations for the political commitment of the government, enshrined in the Election Manifesto, BDF 2020 will be a perfect opportunity to identify areas of partnership for 8FYP.” The forum will provide an ideal platform for assessing the progress made in implementing the seventh FYP. At the same time, it would also provide an opportunity for a wide ranging multi-stakeholder consultation for formulating the upcoming eighth Five Year Plan.
The upcoming BDF 2020 would also provide a stage for evaluating the country’s progress in implementing the SDGs.
It would also provide scopes for assessing the future financing needs, requirements or issues the country may come across in executing these global goals while identifying the ways for addressing those needs or requirements. The last BDF meeting took place in 2018 where some 700 local and foreign representatives took part.
There will be a total of six sessions during the meeting which are Innovative Financing for a Self-reliant Bangladesh, Partnership for Climate Change and its Financing, Rural Transformation: Creating Opportunities for All, Healthcare Services: Inclusive Delivery Options and Quality Education for All.