News in brief

No Brexit talks for several months: EU
Reuters, Paris
Britain will need months of preparation before Brexit talks can start, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Monday, chiding the government in London for not preparing better for the possibility of a ‘Leave’ vote.
Juncker, who also confirmed Britain would lose unrestricted access to the internal European Union market if it did not accept free movement of workers, said his preference would have been for Brexit talks to start as soon as possible.

Philippine declares ceasefire with rebels
AP, Manila
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared a unilateral ceasefire with communist guerrillas effectively immediately Monday and asked the rebels to do the same to end decades of deadly violence and foster the resumption of peace talks. In his first state of the nation address before Congress, Duterte said he wanted a “permanent and lasting peace” before the end of his six-year term, which commenced on June 30.

KSA executes 2 convicts for murder
AFP, Riyadh
Saudi Arabia on Monday executed two convicted murderers, the interior ministry said, raising to 107 the number of death sentences carried out in the kingdom this year.
Fahd al-Ishan was convicted of stabbing to death another Saudi citizen, the ministry said in a statement on the official SPA news agency.
He was executed in the northern Jawf region.
