News In Brief


Abandoned Japanese boy ‘forgives father’
BBC Online
A Japanese boy who was lost for six days in dense forests after his parents left him behind has been discharged from hospital.
Takayuki Tanooka, 44, and his wife briefly left Yamato Tanooka by the side of the road on the northern island of Hokkaido on 28 May as punishment.

BBC reporter jailed in Myanmar
AFP, Yangon
A BBC reporter in Myanmar has been jailed for three months with hard labour after being convicted of assaulting a police officer while covering a student protest, his lawyer said today. The ruling marks the first time a journalist has been convicted under Myanmar’s new government, run by former political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi.

5 dead in France apartment fire
AP, Paris
A fire in an apartment building near France’s national stadium left at least five people dead and 11 injured.
The cause of the Monday night blaze in the town of Saint-Denis is being investigated, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said in a statement Tuesday.
