News In Brief

US Congress blocking funds for Pak F-16 purchase, Washington
The United States (US) administration is withholding funds earmarked for Pakistan’s purchase of eight F-16 fighter jets, BBC Urdu reported, citing an unnamed senior US State Department official.
The State Department official told BBC Urdu on condition of anonymity that the Obama administration is still willing to sell the fighter jets to Pakistan, but will not contribute US funds towards the deal.

Aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan
AFP, Sydney
An Australian woman working for a charity in Afghanistan has been kidnapped, the country’s foreign minister said Friday.
Julie Bishop said Canberra was working to secure the release of Katherine Jane Wilson, but insisted Australia does not pay ransoms for hostages.
Wilson, who also uses the first name Kerry, was grabbed in the city of Jalalabad, close to the border with Pakistan, on Thursday, a government official in the area told AFP.

South Sudan forges unity govt
AFP, Juba
South Sudan President Salva Kiir has named his transitional unity government sharing power with ex-rebels, a key step in a long-delayed peace process, a decree read out Friday said.
Under an August 2015 peace deal, the 30 posts of ministers are split between Kiir, former rebel chief turned first vice president Riek Machar, opposition and other parties. Kiir’s decree “for the appointment of ministers of the transitional government of national unity” was broadcast on government radio on Friday morning.

Protesters, police clash in Paris
AFP, Paris
Several dozen youth protesters clashed with police in the early hours of Friday in a central Paris square after refusing orders to disperse, police said.
Police detained 24 people overnight after scenes of violence that saw protesters hurling chunks of concrete at riot police and torching vehicles.
