News In Brief

Yemen police foil two bomb attacks day before peace talks
Reuters, Aden
Police in Yemen said they foiled two car bomb attacks in the southern port city of Aden early on Sunday, a day before peace talks to end a year of war were due to start.
Police at a checkpoint opened fire at a car traveling at high speed which then exploded, wounding at least five officers, they said. One of the policemen later died in hospital, a medical source said.

Myanmar President pardons 63 political prisoners
AFP, Yangon
Myanmar President Htin Kyaw pardoned at least 63 political prisoners on the country’s traditional New Year on sunday according to a watchdog group, in his first major political act since he was sworn in last month.
His fledgling administration, which is steered by veteran democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi, has vowed to prioritise freeing the scores of political prisoners jailed by the country’s former military rulers.

US sends 9 Guantanamo inmates to S Arabia
AP, Washington  
The Pentagon on Saturday announced the transfer of nine Yemeni inmates from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia, bringing the remaining population at the controversial military prison down to 80.
“The United States is grateful to the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its humanitarian gesture and willingness to support ongoing US efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility,” the Pentagon said in a statement..
