News In Brief

Modi leaves for Saudi Arabia today
Reuters , New Delhi
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Saudi Arabia on Sunday is part of a broader diplomatic offensive to put pressure on Pakistan by forging ties with some of Islamabad’s closest allies, Indian ruling party and government officials said.
Modi is expected to sign trade agreements, including contracts to secure investment for infrastructure projects, and offer security and military cooperation, such as training and joint exercises, they said.

Australia wants Britain to stay in EU
Reuters, Sydney
The former British colony of Australia wants Britain to stay in the European Union, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said, weeks before Britain holds a referendum on EU membership.
Bishop told reporters in Washington that “a strong UK as part of the European Union would be in Australia’s interests”, according to the Australian Associated Press. Bishop said that she told British Prime Minister David Cameron of the Australian position at a meeting in Washington on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, AAP said.

11 killed in Afghan road accident
AFP, Kabul
An Afghan official says at least 11 people have been killed in a road accident just outside the western city of Herat. Rauf Ahmadi, spokesman for the provincial police chief, said Saturday that three vehicles were involved in the fatal crash, which wounded another seven people. He says the crash was the result of carelessness, and that women and children were among those killed and wounded.
