News In Brief

Indian state polls to test Modi and left, New Delhi
Erstwhile bastions of India’s communist-led Left Front, Kerala and West Bengal, are among the clutch of states going to polls in April-May, the election commission announced on Saturday.
The polls will also test Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s strength as a popular leader. The election commission set six-phase elections in West Bengal and two-phase polls in Assam. Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry are to go to polls on May 16. Counting of votes will be held on May 19.

Syrian oppon group elects new leader
AP, Beirut
One of the main Western-backed Syrian opposition groups elected a new leader Saturday after the term of its former chief ended, it said in a statement.
The Turkey-based Syrian National Coalition said longtime member Anas al-Abda was elected president, replacing Khaled Khoja. It added that three other officials from the group have been named vice presidents.

First case of Zika virus detected in Philippines
AFP, Manila
An American woman was infected with the Zika virus while visiting the Philippines, health department officials said Sunday, the first case detected in the country for several years.
Health Secretary Janette Garin said the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US-CDC) had informed her that a US resident who stayed in the Philippines for four weeks in January had apparently developed symptoms in her last week before returning to America.

Gunmen kill 16 in Yemen
AP, Sanaa
Gunmen in southern Yemen on Friday stormed a retirement home run by a charity established by Mother Teresa, killing 16 people, including four Catholic nuns, officials and witnesses said. The killing spree began with two gunmen who first surrounded the home for the elderly in Aden.
