News In Brief

Air strike kills 60 in Syria
AFP, Beirut
Russian air strikes Saturday on an Al-Qaeda run prison in Syria killed nearly 60 people, a monitor said, as aid needed in three besieged towns where people are reportedly starving was delayed. The bloodshed came as UN envoy Staffan de Mistura met in Damascus with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem to prepare for peace talks between the government and the opposition.

Pakistan to host Afghan peace talks
AP, Kabul
Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and the United States will hold talks in Islamabad on Monday aimed at reviving the Afghan peace process.
Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmad Shekib Mostaghni said Saturday that the representatives will discuss a “roadmap for peace talks.” The talks were agreed upon during a visit to Kabul last month by Pakistan’s army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif.

Shiv Sena attacks Pak-India exhibition
AP, Islamabad
Indian extremist party Shiv Sena attacked on Saturday an ongoing Pak-India exhibition in the Indian city of Deradoon.
The Shiv Sena activists stormed the exhibition, closed the doors and chanted slogans against Pakistan.
They forcibly got the Pakistani stalls closed and changed the name of exhibition to Indo-Asia from Indo-Pak.
The exhibition had started on Jan 7 and would continue till Jan 10, TV reports said.
