News In Brief

Coalition suspends Yemen ceasefire
AFP, Riyadh
A Saudi-led coalition battling Iran-backed rebels in Yemen announced the end on Saturday of a ceasefire that had been violated on a daily basis since it was declared last month.
The “coalition leadership announces the end of the truce in Yemen on Saturday”, the alliance said in a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency.
The ceasefire announced on Dec 15 had been ended due to continuous rebel “attacks on the kingdom’s territories by firing ballistic missiles towards Saudi cities, targeting Saudi border posts, and hampering aid operations,” it said.

Israel hands over 23 Palestinians bodies
AFP, Hebron
Thousands of Palestinians gathered on Saturday in Hebron to bury 14 men whose bodies had been held by Israel after being killed carrying out attacks.
Israel handed over the bodies of 23 Palestinians on Friday in an apparent bid to ease tensions, of which 14 were from the southern West Bank city.

More time needed for new Iran
missile sanctions
Reuters, Honolulu
The White House expects Iran to finish work needed to trigger implementation of an international nuclear deal in the coming weeks, but Washington needs more time to prepare sanctions over its ballistic missile program, a U.S. official said on Saturday. The administration had additional diplomatic and technical work to complete before announcing any new sanctions related to the missile program,.
