News In Brief

US wants India, Pakistan talks to continue
PTI, Washington
The US has said it was “encouraged” to see India and Pakistan revive the stalled dialogue process and wants the two countries to continue the discussions.
“We want to see the discussions continue, so we’re encouraged by the recent dialogue between India and Pakistan. It’s exactly what we’ve been strongly trying to encourage,” John Kirby, State Department Spokesman said yesterday.

Beijing’s first ever red alert expires
AFP, Beijing
eijing’s first ever red alert for smog expired today, as blue skies and sunshine replaced the thick haze that covered the city for days.
The Chinese capital put its air pollution emergency plan into action earlier this week, pulling half of all private vehicles off the streets from Tuesday, ordering many factories to close and recommending that some schools allow students to remain home.

Israel, US carry out
missile defense test
AP, Jerusalem
Israel says it successfully tested an advanced missile defense system developed with the U.S.
The Defense Ministry said it “conducted a successful first engagement of a ballistic missile target with the Arrow-3 interceptor.” It called Thursday’s test, which was carried out with the U.S. Missile Agency, a “major milestone” in the development of the system.
Arrow 3 is part of the multi-layered system Israel is developing to protect itself against a range of threats – from short-range rockets fired from the Gaza Strip and Lebanon to Iran’s long-range missiles.

Ex-French president Chirac in hospital
AFP, Paris
Former French president Jacques Chirac is in hospital for a check-up, but his state of health is not a cause for concern, his daughter told AFP on Thursday.
Chirac, 83, who was head of state from 1995 to 2007, was taken to hospital in Paris on Wednesday and is expected to remain under observation for several days, his daughter Claude Chirac said.
