News In Brief


IS attacks claim over 800 lives this year
AP, Beirut
 The Islamic State group has dramatically expanded its theatre of operations from its hub in Syria and Iraq, executing or inspiring a series of attacks across three continents that claimed more than 800 lives this year.
The mayhem created by those attacks – including the downing of a Russian airliner and a killing spree in the heart of Paris – attracts the kind of attention that the extremist group thrives on.

Russian artillery unit in Syria
Reuters, Moscow
Military chiefs briefing Vladimir Putin on operations in Syria showed him a map with a reference to a unit in the center of the country that matches a Russian army artillery unit, suggesting the Kremlin’s involvement may be deeper than previously thought.
Moscow, which is conducting air strikes in Syria, has repeatedly said Russian troops are not taking part in ground operations.


Abbas discusses failed peace effort
AP, Jerusalem
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has shined new light on the breakdown of a potentially history-altering round of 2008 peace talks, saying that he rejected an offer from Israel’s Ehud Olmert – which included placing Jerusalem’s Old City under international control – because he was not allowed to study the map.
Interviewed separately by Israel’s Channel 10 TV, both men described the negotiations as serious and said a peace deal was achievable, underscoring just how much the region has changed in only a few years.

China to buy 24 Russian jets
Reuters, Moscow
China is to buy a batch of 24 Sukhoi-35 fighter jets from Russia in a deal worth more than $2 billion (1.3 billion pounds), an industry source told Reuters on Thursday, in a move that may help the Kremlin’s strained finances.
A spokeswoman for Russian state holding Rostec confirmed a deal between the two countries had been signed involving Su-35 fighter jets, but declined to provide details.

6 killed in militants attack near Kandahar
AFP, Kandahar
Militants wearing Afghan army uniforms launched a suicide and gun attack on a police headquarters near Kandahar Thursday, killing Six people – five assailants and one Afghan army soldier – were killed in the attack, authorities said.
The attack came at dawn in the district of Arghandab, some 25 kilometres west of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan.

China to test new space rocket
PTI, Beijing
China is conducting tests on its largest and most powerful rocket, the Long March 5, in Hainan province for its space operations with plans to make the first launch before the end of next year, a senior space official said.
“Engineers are testing whether the rocket’s various systems can work well with the Wenchang center, and after the tests are done successfully, the Long March 5 will perform its first flight by the end of next year.
