News In Brief

Afghan forces retake Kunduz city centre from Taliban
Reuters, Kabul
Afghan troops recaptured the center of the strategic northern city of Kunduz on Thursday after fierce clashes with Taliban militants, three days after losing the provincial capital in an humbling defeat for Kabul and its U.S. allies.
Residents said soldiers were conducting house-to-house searches and had removed the Taliban flag from the central square, replacing it with government colors.

US deploys more advanced aircraft carrier in Japan
 Reuters, Yokosuka
One of the U.S. Navy’s most advanced aircraft carriers docked in Japan on Thursday at the start of a deployment that will strengthen the capability of the Seventh Fleet in Asia and boost ties between the United States and its closest regional ally.
With a crew of 5,000 sailors and a compliment of around 80 aircraft, USS Ronald Reagan is equipped with the latest targeting and defense radars, integrated weapons systems and command and communications technology.


Cameron will not step down as PM
Reuters, London
A British government source denied on Thursday a report that David Cameron would step down as prime minister in 2019, a year before his tenure ends, and said he would serve his full second term.
Cameron, who became prime minister in 2010, ruled out seeking a third term in office before May’s election when his Conservative Party won an unexpected parliamentary majority.

WH opposes bill blocking Iran nuclear deal
AP, Washington
The House votes Thursday on a bill aimed at blocking implementation of the Iran nuclear deal until Tehran pays more than $43 billion in damages that U.S. courts have awarded to victims of Iranian-sponsored terror.
The White House said Wednesday that President Barack Obama would veto the bill, saying that the Iran nuclear deal addresses only nuclear issues.

California offering amnesty on traffic debt for poor
AP, Sacramento
California is instituting an amnesty programme for residents who can’t afford to pay off spiraling traffic fines and court fees that have led to millions of driver’s licenses being suspended.
The program pushed by Gov. Jerry Brown and adopted as part of his annual budget goes into effect Thursday and runs through March 31, 2017. Ahead of the program, the Democratic governor announced Wednesday signing a bill by state Senate.
Police shot dead at South Carolina mall
Reuters, Charleston
A South Carolina police officer was fatally shot at a mall on Wednesday after a struggle with a knife-wielding gunman, a law enforcement official said.
Greg Alia of the Forest Acres Police Department responded with two other officers to a call about a suspicious person, Police Chief Gene Sealy told reporters.
