News In Brief

7,550 hectores under vegetables cultivation in Chuadanga
CHUADANGA: A total of 7,550 hectors of land has been brought under vegetables cultivation in all the four upazilas of the district during the current summer season. According to Department of Agriculture and Extension (DAE) office, of the total land, 2,850 hectors in Sadar upazila, 1,200 hectors in Alamdanga, 1,500 hectors in Damurhuda and 2,000 hectors in Jibannagar upazila have been brought under vegetables cultivation. The production of vegetables in the current season will continue till October 15 next, the source further said.
During the season a total of one lakh 13 thousand and 250 tonnes of vegetables are expected to be produced in the four upazilas of the district, DAE sources said. The vegetables are brinjal, guard, pupkins, borboti, jhinga, lalshak, puisak, papaya, potal and other vegetables, reports BSS.
College student drowns in Thakurgaon
THAKURGAON: A college student drowned while taking bath in Tangon river at Ghidor village in Pirganj upazila on Thursday. The deceased was identified as Mrinal Kanti, 17, a student of Pirganj DN Technical College and son of Ikru Chandra of the village. Witnesses said Mrinal along with his two friends was taking bath in the river in the afternoon. At one stage, he went deep into the river water and drowned. KM shakhawat Hossain, officer-in-charge of Pirganj Police Station, confirmed the incident.
Annual Child Forum gathering held
MYMENSINGH: A three-day Annual Child Forum gathering was held today at Prayer garden at Rajendrapur, Gazipur.
Regional Sponsorship Coordinator Ujjol Biswas presided over the gathering. Regional Field Director, World Vision Bangladesh, Dominic Ranjan Purfication was present as chief guest while Timothy Ujjol Kanti Sarker and Regional Child Forum President Tunusree Sarker were present as special guests. Dominic Ranjan Purfication said, “In greater Mymensingh region about one fifty thousand children are directly involved in our program where fifty thousand children are registered in World Vision. We have 251 child forums in the greater Mymensingh region where 32,403 children are involved with the activities of child forum.
Teenage boy dies from snakebite in Sylhet
SYLHET: A teenage boy died after he received a snakebite at Gandhodatta village in the municipal area of Zakiganj upazila on Thursday morning. The deceased was indentified as Sayeedur Rahman, 14, son of Abdul Halim of the village. Family sources said a venomous snake bit Sayeedur when he went to the field for cutting grass. Later locals rushed there and sent him to Zakiganj Upazila Health Complex where attending doctors declared him dead. A pal of gloom descended on the area following Sayeedur’s death.
One held with arms, ammo in Laxmipur
LAXMIPUR: Members of Rapid Action Battalion arrested a man along with three firearms and five bullets and a magazine from Sabur Market area in Laxmipur town on Thursday. The arrestees were identified as Atikur Rahman, son of Abdur Rahman of Gandhyabpur area in the town. Tipped off, a team of RAB-11 conducted a drive in the area and arrested Atikur Rahman along with a pistol, two guns, five rounds of bullet and a magazine in the afternoon. A case was filed in this connection.