News In Brief

Former principal of B M College convicted under ACC Act
Barisal Correspondent
A trial court in Barisal on Wednesday sentenced former principal and student’s union general secretary of Barisal Government Brojo Mohun College in a case of Anti- Corruption Commission. Among the sentenced two, Nurul Anwar, former principal, was sentenced to 4-year imprisonment and fined Tk 4-lakhs or to suffer more one year in jail in default under two separate sections of ACC Act. On other hand Abu Zafar Shikdar, former JCD leader and general secretary of B M College Students Union, sentenced to 2-year imprisonment and fined Tk 1-lakh or in default to suffer more 6-month jail in the same case. Dilip Kumar Bhoumik, judge of divisional special judge court announced the verdict in presence of the accused after examining 6 out of 11 witnesses and other evidences. Court sources said Tk 2 lakhs were collected by two bank-cheques against repairing cost of the BCSU building on September 10 and October 5 of 2002. However Abul Hasan, assistant director of ACC after receiving allegation about corruption in the work, investigated the case and found works worth only Tk 12,151 and misappropriation of rest Tk 1, 78,899.
Meeting on ‘Updating voters list programme held in Sylhet
Sylhet Correspondent
Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Rakib Uddin Ahmed has stressed on enrolling the female voters on priority in the ongoing programme for updating the voter list.
He said the overall national development would obviously be hampered, if the female citizens are left behind. The registration workers should remain alert so that not a single voter is dropped, the CEC warned. The CEC, as chief guest was addressing a view exchange meeting on ‘Updating voters list programme – 2015’ at the Deputy Commissioner’s conference room in Sylhet Tuesday. EC secretary Md. Sirajul Islam chaired the event while Divisional Commissioner Md. Jamal Uddin Ahmed, EC’s project ‘Identification system for enhancing access to services’ (Idea)’s project Director Brigadier General Sultanuzzaman Md. Saleh Uddin, DIG of police Sylhet Range Md. Mizanur Rahman, Sylhet metropolitan police commissioner Md. Kamrul Ahsan, deputy commissioner of Sylhet Md. Jainal Abedin and Moulvibazar Deputy Commissioner Kamrul Hasan addressed the meeting.
Two robbers held with weapons in Srimangal
Kulaura (Moulvibazar) Correspondent
Police arrested two members of an inter-district robber gang along with sharps weapons from Bhairab bazar area in Srimangal upazila in Moulvibazar District on early Friday around 3am. The arrestees were identified as Monir Hosain, 27, son of Abdul Salam and Rasel Miah, 28, son of Joynal Miah in Lamua village of Srimangal Upazila of Moulvibazar district. Officer-in-charge of Srimangal Police Station Mahbubur Rahman said on a tip-off, a team of police conducted a drive in the area and arrested the two while they were taking preparation to commit a robbery at about 9:00 pm out of seventeen. Later, the law enforcers also recovered three iron cutters, two sharp weapons and one knife from their possession.
