News In Brief

Bomb hurled near AL president’s residence in Jessore
 Jessore Correspondent
Miscreants exploded a crude bomb near the residence of Jessore district unit Awami League, Shahidul Islam Milon at Ghope Nawapara Road in Jessore town. The miscreants hurled the bomb at around 11pm on Saturday, said the AL leader. Milon told newsmen that the bomb was exploded about 20 yards off his office near his residence was with others at his office at around 11pm after attending a political programme at Nawapara industrial town. ‘I cannot ascertain who carried out the explosion,’ Milon told newsmen. Shikder Akkas Ali, officer, in-charge, Kotwali police station told New Nation that none was arrested and no case was lodged in connection with the explosion.
Orientation course of TIB held in Bagerhat
Bagerhat Correspondent
Under the auspices of TIB (Transparency International Bangladesh) an orientation course was held in Bagerhat Press Club auditorium on its (TIB) on going programme- ‘Building Integrity Blocks for Effective Changes’ on Saturday morning. It was ceremonially inaugurated by Adv Ramkrisna Basu, President, SANAC (Sachetan Nagaric Committee), Bagerhat. The orientation course was conducted by Atikur Rahma, Programme Officer, Khulna Zone of TIB. In the orientation discussion was held in details in order to establish transparency in Public Health sector, Primary Education sector, local Governments sector and Governance on Climate Change Finance. In the orientation course Principal Saifuddin, Vice-president of SANAC, Bagerhat, SANAC members Adv. Jahangir Ali Babu, Saifullah, Prof ABM. Mosharraf Husain, Babul Sardar, Shilpi Samaddar and SUJAN members Prof. Khan Saleh Ahmed, Manjurul Islam, Adv. Luna Siddique participated in the discussion. It was attended by the members of SANAC and Sujan.
Housewife acid burnt in Aghailjhara of Barisal
A housewife sustained acid-burn thrown by unknown miscreants on Saturday night and admitted at female surgery ward of Barisal Sher-e- Bangla Medical College Hospital on Sunday. Jahangir Hossain Mallik, Additional Police Superintendent of Barisal, after visiting the victim said she was identified as Pervin Begum, 35, wife of Sohag Bepari of Chhoy Gram under Agoiljhara upazila of Barisal. She was daughter of Ismail Hossain from Hasimpur under Madan police station of Netrokona district, police told. Dr A M S M Sarfuzzaman Rubel, in charge of SBMCH female surgery ward, said 13-15 percent of the backside of the patient burnt by some chemical and she now under treatment, but out of danger.
Robbers loot valuables in Faridpur
FARIDPUR: Robbers looted valuables from a house after injuring three of its inmates at Kamargram in Alfadanga upazila early Monday. The victims were identified as Akter Hossain, 60, Sekender Munsi, 44, and Rahela Begum, 56.Quoting witnesses, police said 7-8 armed robbers swooped on the house of Akter Hossain at the dead of night and looted the valuables. As the house inmates resisted, the robbers stabbed them with sharp weapons, leaving them injured. Later, the robbers escaped with the booty. The injured were admitted to Faridpur Medical College Hospital. A case was filed in this connection, reports UNB.
Shibir activist held in Sylhet
Sylhet Correspondent
Police arrested an Islami Chhatra Shibir activist from Hasannagar area in Sunamganj district town on Sunday night in connection with ‘subversive activities’. The arrestee was identified as Sajjadur Rahman, president of Sunamganj district unit Islami Chhatra Shibir, student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami.Officer-in-charge of Sadar Police Station Gazi Shakhawat Hossain said on a tip-off, a team of police conducted a drive in the area and arrested Sajjadur at about 11:30pm.