News In Brief

Nazrul’s birthday to be observed in Khulna
KHULNA: Khulna district Administration has chalked out a day-long programme to observe the 116th birth anniversary of the National poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. In this regard a meeting of the representatives of different government and non-government organisations and socio-cultural bodies was held at the conference room of deputy commissioner on May 17 with the Deputy Commissioner Md. Mostofa Kamal in the chair. The programme will begin on May 25 at around 5.00 pm at City’s Officer’s Club placing wreaths at the potrait of poet Nazrul Islam while a discussion on life and works of the poet will be held. Later a cultural programme including classical dance, musical soiree and drama will also be presented. Meanwhile, recitation of Nazrul poetry, Nazrul songs and art competition was held today at the auditorium of Umesh Chandra Public Library in the city. Khulna Nazrul Academy and Umesh Chandra Public Library jointly organised the programme under the management of Khulna District Administration. The prize among the winners will be distributed on May 25 at Officers Club. Khulna Shilpokola Academy, Abbas Uddin Academy, Khulna University, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) and other socio-cultural organisations have also taken elaborate programmes marking the the day, reports BSS.
View exchange meeting on Dalit Rights held in Gaibandha
GAIBANDHA: A view exchange meeting on Dalit Rights was held at the auditorium of Gaibandha Public Library and Club here yesterday with a call to bring the Dalit community under mainstream of the society for country’s development. A local voluntary organization ‘Abalambon’ and ‘Jana Uddyog’ jointly arranged the function on Thursday in cooperation with Institute for Environment and Development. Administrator of Gaibandha Zilla Parishad Advocate Syed Shams-ul-Alam Hiru attended the meeting as the chief guest while Mayor of Gaibandha Pourashava M. Shamsul Alam was present as special guest. Dipankar Goutam, a senior journalist and a researcher delivered his speech in the meeting as chief discussant. Rajesh Bashfore, general secretary of Bangladesh Dalit Excluded Rights and Movement of the district unit, read out the key note paper. He said around one crore Dalit people are in the country and of them, some 10,000 people live in the district. With Rajkumar Bashfore, vice president of Bashfore Welfare Association, central committee in the chair, educationist Mazharul Mannan, political leaders Shah Shariful Islam and Aminul Islam Golap, convener of Jana Uddyog Jahurul Kaiyum, executive director of Abolambon Probir Chakrabartee and journalist Sarker M. Shahiduzzaman addressed the meeting, among others, reports BSS.
AL MP draws flak from social media users with anti-Zafar comment
 Sylhet Correspondent
Ruling Awami League MP Mahmud Us Samad Chowdhury has drawn flak from social media users for his ‘derogatory’ comments on teacher-writer Muhammed Zafar Iqbal. In an audio, which has sparked a social media storm, the MP is heard saying at a function: “Had I been someone big, I would have whipped him (Zafar Iqbal).” He said: “They formulated all the rules for barring students of Sylhet from admission to Shahjalal University. What’s his name? Zafar Iqbal… He doesn’t want students of Sylhet get admitted to Shahjalal University.” “And the people of Sylhet worship his image everyday with beautiful flowers,” added the Sylhet-3 MP. A video clip of a procession taken out by the Chhatra League against Iqbal has also hit the social media sites, including Facebook and YouTube. Chhatra League is the student affiliate of the Awami League. In the procession, Chhatra League leaders and activists demanded exemplary punishment for the Sylhet University of Science and Technology professor.