News In Brief


Security beefed up in Sylhet over K’zaman’s verdict
Sylhet Correspondent
Security in the Sylhet city has been beefed up following the Supreme Court’s verdict rejecting Kamaruzzaman’s review petition against its previous verdict in favour of his death penalty awarded by the International Crimes Tribunal-2 (ICT-2). Nearly 2,000 additional policemen have been deployed in over 100 spots of the city to thwart any unpleasant incident, said additional deputy commissioner of Metropolitan Police. Besides, all police stations in the city have been asked to remain alert, he said. Meanwhile, four platoons of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) started patrolling the city following the verdict.
515 absent on 2nd day of HSC exam in Sylhet
A total of 515 students were absent while 3 others were expelled for taking unfairmeans on the second day of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations that began on Wednesday.The examinations began simultaneously under Sylhet Education Board.Some 515 examinees were absent under Board while 256 under Sylhet , 78 under Hobigang , 106 under Moulobi bazaar and 75 under Sunamgong .
Muggers snatch money in Jessore
Jessore Correspondent
Armed muggers snatched Tk 11,00,000 from a man in front of Sonali Bank at Benapole Land Port on Monday noon, Apurba Hasan, officer in-charge, Benapole port police station confirmed. Police and locals said armed muggers took away Tk 11,00,000 from Abdur Rahim, an employee of Ratul Enterprise at Benapole land port while he was going to deposit the amount of money to Sonali Bank. Muggers stopped him and took away the total money after withdrew the money from nearby Islami Bank. The incident took place in front of Sonali Bank. A case was lodged with Benapole port police station in this connection but none was arrested.
Jamaat’s 48-hr hartal observed in Barisal
Barisal Correspondent
The 48-hour strike called by Jammat -e- Islami Bangladesh protesting death sentence for war crimes against its Assistant Secretary General Kamaruzzaman by Supreme Court, observing loosely in Barisal on Tuesday without hampering daily life. Big show rooms, shopping centers, markets were closed and financial institutions functioned closing front doors due to strike. Transactions in financial institutions, market, attendances in educational institutions, judicial, administrative offices were less than normal days in Barisal on Tuesday. JIB activists brought out stray procession, picketing and held short rallies calling to make strike successful at C and B, Nabagram Road, Kawnia and Kashipur areas of the city on Tuesday early hours and morning.
Seed certified agency officials visit CCDB’s production field in Manikganj
Manikganj Correspondent
Rice seed production field of CCDB Shibalaya Farmers Group has been visited by Md. Osman Khan, Director, Seed Certification Agency; Md. Solayman Ali, Additional Director; Dr. Md. Abdul Awal Mia, Deputy Director-Admin; Md. Monjur Alam Khan, Seed Certified Officer, Manikganj recently. Md. Amjad Hossain and Md. Awlad Hossain, Director, Shibalaya Farmers Group; and Shamiran Biswas, Manager, CCDB-Agriculture and Seed on behalf of CCDB were also present in the field visit. Md. Osman Khan, Director, Seed Certification Agency visited the production field of certified seed and foundation seed of BRRI-28, BRRI-29, BRRI-50, BRRI-58 and BRRI-64 species. He also visited the BRRI-64 (Zinc rice) production field implemented by CCDB and supported by Harvest-Plus.
