News in Brief


7 members of robber gang arrested

Manikganj Correspondent

Police have arrested seven members of an inter-district robber gang in Manikganj. They were arrested in connection with a robbery at the house of freedom fighter Mohammad Nuruzzaman in ChakMirpur area of Daulatpurupazila of the district. A special team of police conducted raids in Manikganj, Sirajganj and different areas of the capital to nab the robbers and arrested seven persons in phases. During this time, part of the stolen goods was recovered from the accused. Manikganj Superintendent of Police Mohammad Golam Azad Khan confirmed the matter at a press conference at his office on Tuesday. The arrested are Rustam, 50, son of late Quddus of Mirhatail area of Daulatpurupazila, Emon, 40, son of late Amjad of Wail area, Mohammad Arif Sheikh, 26, son of Nuru Sheikh of Charkatari area and Mohammad Rubel, 26, son of Mohammad Abdul Sheikh of the same area. Sanwar Hossain Chanu, 28, son of Yusuf Ali Sheikh of Jafarganj area of Shibalayaupazila, Md. Babul Hossain, 38, son of Bahut Ali Bepari of Ratandia area of Shahjadpur police station of Sirajganj district and Mostafa Kamal, 38, son of Mohammad Shafiqul Islam of Char Pachuria area of Chowhali Police Station of the same district. It may be mentioned that on January 8, a group of 10-12 robbers broke into the house of freedom fighter Md. Nuruzzaman at ChakMirpur village in Daulatpurupazila of the district, cut the grill of the verandah and looted a large amount of gold ornaments and cash.


Death anniv of Dr Moazammel observed

Bagerhat Correspondent

Under the auspices of Bagerhat District Unit of Bangladesh Awami League and it’s all the front organizations the 2nd death anniversary of Dr. Mozammel Hossain who was elected MP from Bagerhat Conmstituency-1 and 4 for consecutive 5 times, a former Deputy Minister and President of Bagerhat district Awami League was observed here in a befitting manner on Tuesday. On the occasion a memorial meeting was held in the Rail Road Office premises of Bagerhat District Awami League with Adv. Farid Uddin, Vice-president of the district Awami League in the chair while it was conducted by Sardar fakrul Alam Saheb, Joint Secretary of the party. The memorial meeting was addressed among others by Adv. Hemayet Uddin Bhuiya, General Secretary of District Awami League, Khan Habibur Rahman, Mayor of Bagerhat Pourashava and Joint Secretary of Bagerhat district unit of Awami League, Bodiuzzaman Sohag, former President of the central committee of Bangladesh Chatra League, Mir Fazle Sayeed Dublue, Organizing Secretary, Nakibul Haq Nazu, Shaikh Bashirul Islam, President of Bagerhat Pourashava Awami League, Rezaul Karim Mantu, President of Sramik League and Professor Dr. Mahmud Hasan , Vice-chancellor of Khulna University and the only son late Dr. Mozammel Hossain. After the memorial meeting a Doa Mahfil was held there for the salvation of the departed soul of Dr. Mozammel Hossain.
