News In Brief

Sports, cultural events held in Melandah
Jamalpur Correspondent
A sports and cultural event was held at Nargis-Ziaul Haq Primary School grounds at Sadpurpur village in Melandah organised by Education and social worker Humayun Kabir Sonahar on Saturday. Asaduzzaman, head master of Sadhpur JM High School addressed the Chief Guest. Among others, Homayon Kabir Sonahar, Dr M A Malek, President of Reporters Unity and the New Nation Correspondent Shah Jamal, Ayub Khan BSc, magician and cultural activist Delwar Hossain Delu, social worker Monwar Hossain Manu, Rafiqul Islam teacher of Humayun Kabir Technical Institute and among other.
Annual Sports competition held at Baraigram
Baraigram (Natore) Correspondent
 Annual sports competition and prize giving ceremony was held at Bonpara Labratory School of Baraigram upazila under Natore district. On the occasion, a meeting was held at school premises. The meeting was presided over by the Chairman of the School Managing Committee Prof. Dr.Abdulla Al Mamun, Islamic Studies Department, Rajshahi University. Deputy Registrar of Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET), Qadirabad Md Ashraful Islam, Senior Journalist Md Saifur Rahman, Pouro Councilors Md Ashraful Alam and Md Ataur Rahman were present as special guests at the meeting. It was also addressed among others by the Headmaster Abu Bakkar Siddik, student’s guardians Rafikul Islam Bablu and Md Aminul Islam. The meeting was conducted by Ziaur Rahman Jewel. The names of winners of the sports competition were declared by the Headmaster and prizes were distributed among the winner-students by the guests. About 200 students took part at event of sports competition.
Orientation workshop held in Gaibandha
GAIBANDHA: A district orientation workshop with district nutrition coordination committee (DNCC) was held at the conference room of SKS Inn at Radhakrishnapur, an outskirt of the district town recently with a call to ensure nutrition for all. Sustained Opportunities for Nutrition Governance (SONGO) project being implemented here by RDRS Bangladesh and ICCO Cooperation with the financial support of European Union arranged the workshop. The objectives of the workshop were to create understanding on the importance of DNCC to reach nutrition goals at district level among district nutrition stakeholders, explain nutrition, nutrition priorities, strategies and result framework for nutrition governance at district level, reports BSS.