News In Brief

One held with drug , arms in Barishal
Barishal Correspondent
Unit-8 of Rapid Action Battalion on Wednesday arrested Jubayer Hossain Sumon, 40, son of late M A Mannan Khan, of Rupatli area of the city. RAB recovered one foreign made pistol, four round ammunitions, knife and 195 pieces of Yaba tablets from the possession of the arrestee. Major Sajibul Islam Sajib, deputy commander of RAB-8, issuing a press release acknowledging the facts said on basis of tip off a team of RAB operated a drive near Karnakathi School area on Barishal-Bhola road on early Wednesday detained Sumon. Interrogating him and searching according to his confession recovered the above said arms, ammunitions and drugs, RAB sources said. In interrogation it was also revealed that Sumon during working with different national and foreign development organizations in 2010-16, collected data of union parishad chairmen and members of the drinking water crisis affected areas. After leaving the service he fraudulently collected huge amount of money through bikas and other mobile money transaction apps giving assurances for sinking tubewell in their area.
Child died by hit of three-wheeler at Babuganj of Barishal
Tiba Khan, o4, daughter of Litu Khan and play group student of Barnamala kindergarten at Babuganj upazila of Barishal on Wednesday morning. Mizanur Rahman, officer in charge of Babuganj Police Station, acknowledging the fact, said Tiba was returning home from Kindergarten with her mother and at that time a battery operated three wheeler hit her at about 10:45 AM Wednesday. Tiba received head injury and after brought to Barishal Sher E Bangla Medical College Hospital, where attending doctor declared her as dead.
The killer vehicle plying on Babuganj-Mirganj route was seized by police, but driver managed to flee and dead body handed over to family members after lodging a case of unnatural death, police sources said.
One held with gold-bars from Khulna
Khulna (South) Correspondent
Members of Detective Branch (DB, KMP) arrested a person along with 3 gold bars worth about taka 16 lacs and cash amounting Taka 9 lacs from Khalishpur Housing Estate area under Khalishpur police station on Wednesday afternoon in Khulna city. (On November 6, 2019) after conducting raid in the area. The arrestee was identified as Sakibul Haque Tamim, 30, son of late Enamul Haque ,hailed at Khalishpur Housing Estate area in the city. DB sources said, acting on a secret information, a special team of KMP’s DB raided at the residence of Sakib and arrested him along with three gold bars from “Enam Villa” at 33 No. Khalishpur Housing Estate in the city. They recovered the gold bars from an Almira. DB sources further said, two drug cases and a car stealing case are pending against Sakib at Khalishpur police station. However, a fresh case was lodged against Sakib with Khalishpur police station in connection with the incident, DB sources added. According to the sources of DB, KMP, it is learnt from the confessional statement of Sakib that he had been committing gold smuggling since long.
Jamaat Amir held in Chandpur
 Chandpur Correspondent
District Unit Jamaat’s Amir Maulana Abdur Rahim,57, was held early today , Tuesday, from his residence on Madrasa Road in the district town. Abdur Rahim is working as Principal of Madrasaye Isiyatul Ulum Alim Madrasa at Ghastola-outskirt of Chandpur town.
Contacted, Sadar Model Thana OC Mohammad Nasimuddin has told the Independent that Maulana Abdur Rahim was held on specific charges of his attempt for destructive activities in Chandpur that may break law and order. He was produced before the court that sent him to District Jail at 4 pm today, Tuesday.
Contacted, District Jamaat’s General Secretary Billal Hossain Miaji has told the Independent that there are as many as 17/18 cases against Abdur Rahim. In most of these cases, he is on bail. He alleges, Abdur Rahim is an old man suffering from various ailments including heart and pressure diseases. He is a law abiding man. Government is harassing him for no fault of his own. He, however, demands immediate release of Abdur Rahim.
