News In Brief


US’s special envoy in Pak for revival of Afghan peace talks
PTI, Islamabad
US special envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad has arrived in Pakistan to discuss revival of the peace talks with the Pakistani leaders and a possible meeting with a Taliban delegation headed by the group’s co-founder and chief peace negotiator Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.
The visit comes days after Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the US where he met President Donald Trump and among other issues discussed the revival of negotiations to bring peace in Afghanistan.
Also Read – US blocks goods from 5 countries for suspected forced labour Khalilzad also met Prime Minister Khan in New York, where he was to attend the UN General Assembly (UNGA) session, and exchanged views about renegotiating with the Taliban.

Peru in crisis as President dissolves Congress
AFP, Lima
Peru’s President Martin Vizcarra consolidated power Tuesday in a tense stand-off with the opposition over corruption, confirming the backing of the armed forces, police and the international community after dissolving Congress.
Opposition lawmakers accused Vizcarra of mounting a “coup d’etat,” voting to suspend him temporarily from the presidency and appointing Vice President Mercedes Araoz as leader in what appeared to be a token gesture of defiance.

Protests in Iraq leave 2 dead, scores wounded
AP, Baghdad
Hospital officials say one protester has been killed and around 20 others injured in a southern Iraqi city.
The officials say the casualties occurred in the city of Nasiriyah, about 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad during anti-government protests that turned violent. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity in line with Iraqi health ministry regulations.


Israel court orders house arrest for Australian suspect
AP, Jerusalem
An Israeli court has ordered a former educator accused of sexually abusing her students in Australia released on house arrest while she fights extradition proceedings.
Australia wants Malka Leifer extradited to face 74 charges of abusing students while she was principal at a Jewish religious school in Melbourne. Prosecutors say she is feigning mental illness to dodge extradition.

German ministries fail to agree details of climate deal
Reuters, Berlin
German ministries have failed to agree on a set of climate protection measures, government sources said on Wednesday, leaving little time to fulfil Chancellor Angela Merkel’s plan to pass the landmark package this year.
The disagreements between the environment, finance, economy and transport ministries could further erode the credibility of Merkel’s right-left coalition, weakened by regional election losses and infighting and up for review by the end of the year.
