News In Brief

Confec of Rabindra Sangeet Sammilon Parishad ends
Barishal Correspondent
The day-long 17th biannual district conference of Jatiya Rabindra Sangeet Sammilon Parishad ended in the city on Friday night calling for spreading practice and philosophy of the songs of Tagore to combat cultural aggression and pollution. Manabendra Batobayal, senior cultural personality of the city, inaugurated the programme by hoisting national and organizational flag at Barishal Government Girls School ground in the morning. Later following a road-rally biannual general meeting held at the hall room of the school. The second session of the programme held at auditorium of the school on Friday evening, was inaugurated by illuminating lamps, putting flower wraths at the portrait of Poet Tagore. Serniabad Sadik Abdullah, mayor Barishal city Corporation, was chief guest and S M Ajiar Rahman, deputy commissioner Barishal, S M Iqbal, cultural personality, were special guests of this session. A discussion meeting and reception accorded to Dr. Kazi Mozammel Hossain, noted research scholar and artist, for his life time achievements, held in this session of the programme. Kajal Ghosh, president of Barishal branch of JRSSP, presided over the sessions conducted by Uttam Kumar Baral, secretary of the organization and addressed by noted cultural activists and scholars of the city. A cultural function based on Tagore’s songs and literatures, also performed in the ending session of the programme.
Discussion on Early Learning Centers held
Staff Reporter, Rangpur
With support from UNICEF Rangpur Division, Bangladesh Shishu Academy organised a discussion event on Early Learning Centers at Rangpur Circuit House Auditorium recently. The event highlighted the importance of early childhood education and sought for effective engagement of elected ward counsellors for running the centers smoothly. Najibullah Hameem, UNICEF Chief of Rangpur and Rajshahi Division spoke as the Special Guest at the event. UNICEF Education Officer Sifat-E-Islam facilitated key sessions. Rangpur Additional Deputy Commissioner Syed Enamul Kabir, District Child Affairs Officer Mushtaq Ahmed, Chief Health Officer of Rangpur City Corporation Dr Kamruzzaman Taj, teachers and ward counselors of Rangpur City Corporation spoke at the event and shared their opinions on challenges and opportunities to make the early childhood development programme more effective. Najibullah Hameem termed early years (0 to 8 years) as the most extraordinary period of growth and development in a child’s lifetime. It is the time when a child’s brain is most flexible and experiences rapid growth. But brain development is sensitive to experience. A child exposed to neglect or violence will very likely suffer cognitive, behavioral or emotional difficulties. The foundations of all learning are laid during these years. He urged for giving due importance on early childhood development and requested for effective collaboration of development partners, stakeholders, elected representatives and citizen groups. UNICEF Education Officer Sifat-E-Islam said that early childhood development services are delivered in comprehensive packages as part of UNICEF’s efforts to raise the quality of social services to communities living in under-served areas like urban slums, tea estates and Chittagong Hill Tracts. Research shows that good quality early learning and early childhood development programmes help to reduce the chances of dropout and repetition and improves outcomes at all levels of education.

Rangpur Additional Deputy Commissioner Syad Enamul Kabir, Chief Health Officer Dr. Kamruzzman Taj and ward counselors appreciated early childhood development initiatives, requested for more UNICEF support for expanding early childhood development initiatives in Rangpur city to cater the need and gave emphasis on increasing teacher’s salary, quality education and engaging community people with early childhood initiatives. As part of UNICEF supported Early Learning for Child Development Project, Bangladesh Shishu Academy (BSA) is implementing Early Learning Centers (Shishu Bikash Kendra) in 10 Wards of Rangpur City Corporation where 300 children are receiving Early Childhood Care and support in 10 Early Learning Centers in Rangpur City Corporation.

Drug dealer arrested with drugs in Sunamganj
Sylhet Bureau
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB-9) members arrested a drug dealer with 16.2 kg ganja (hemp) from Mollikpur Ferry ghat of municipal town in Sunamganj recently. The arrestee was identified as Md. Sulman Hossain (22), son of late Samaruddin of the village Mohanpur, under Mohanpur Union of Sadar Upzila.
RAB-9 revealed the information that on Sunday morning on secret information, a group of the members of RAB-9, launched the drive led by the company commander Lieutenant Faisal Ahmed at the Mollikpur area of municipal town and arrested the drug dealer.The arrestee and the seized goods were handed over to the Sadar Model Police Station, and the process for filing a case was underway.
The Company Commander of RAB-9 in Sunamganj, Lieutenant Faisal Ahmed said to the Rising BD, ‘Acting on tip off, we launched the drive at Mollikpur area and arrested the drug dealer with 16.2kg drugs.’
