News In Brief

Discussion on dengue prevention held at BARI
A Correspondent, Gazipur
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) organised a discussion meeting on “Increasing social awareness , duties to prevent Dengue” at the Institute’s Seminar Room yesterday. BARI Acting Director General Zebun Nessa was present as chief guest at the discussion meeting while Director (Support Service) Dr. Babu Lal Nag chaired session. Director (Research) Dr. Md. Abdul Wohab, Director (Planning & Evaluation) Md. Habibur Rahman Sheikh, Director (Horticulture Research Centre) Dr. Abeda Khatun, Director (Tuber Crops Research Centre) Dr. A K M Shamsul Haque, Director (Oilseed Research Centre) Mst. Dilafroza Khanam, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council’s Director (PIU-BARC, NATP-2) Dr. Mian Sayeed Hassan, Chief Scientific Officer of ASICT Division Dr. Md. Kamrul Hassan, Chief Scientific Officer of OFRD Division Dr. Md. Akkas Ali, attended the ceremony as special guests. Heads of the divisions, senior scientists, officers, among others, were also present on the occasion. Speakers in the discussion meeting said, we all should have to be more aware about Dengue. We should have to keep our home sides neat & clean. The Dengue virus has also spread in Gazipur district. BARI authorities have already taken some initiatives to prevent the Aedes Mosquito in Institute’s campus area.  
Mothers’ rally against rumour held in Mymensingh
MYMENSINGH: Mothers’ rally was held in more than two thousand primary schools here on Monday to make people aware against the rumour of child lifting. Deputy Commissioner Mizanur Rahman formally inaugurated the rally at Akua Government Primary School ground. District Education Officer Mofazzal Hossain presided over the function which was addressed among others by district assistant education officer Harun ar Rashid, Upazila primary education officer Abdullah Al Baki, councilor of city corporation Kaoser Jannat and president of the school managing committee Yasdani Koraishi. The deputy commissioner said parents should be more aware against the rumour and panic created by a vested section about the remours of child lifting. He urged the mothers not to heed the rumour and send their children to schools regularly. Any suspicious person should be handed over to law enforcing agencies, he said. The deputy commissioner also laid importance on creating awareness about dengue saying any person with dengue symptom should take admission to hospital. Speakers said there is no need for sacrificing any human skull for construction of a bridge. It’s nothing except a mere propaganda, they said adding that a vested quarter is trying to creating instability in the society through spreading such rumour. Government officials, guardians, political leaders, freedom fighters, journalists, civil society members, teachers and students joined the rallies, reports BSS.